News Aggregators


CryptoPanic is a news aggregator platform that provides insights on how news impacts cryptocurrency prices and markets, catering to traders and enthusiasts. It features a Portfolio Tracker, Media Feed, and Blogs to enhance user experience.






What is CryptoPanic?

CryptoPanic aims to streamline the consumption of cryptocurrency news by aggregating content from various sources into a single platform. This approach helps users understand the market impact of news events, enabling more informed trading decisions. The inclusion of a Portfolio Tracker allows users to monitor their cryptocurrency holdings and performance, while the Media Feed and Blogs offer deeper insights into the crypto space.

Key Features:

Comprehensive News Aggregation: Gathers news from diverse sources, indicating its impact on cryptocurrency prices and markets.

Portfolio Tracker: Enables users to track their crypto investments and analyze portfolio performance.

Customizable News Feed: Users can tailor their feed by following specific currencies, ensuring they receive relevant news.

PRO Version: Offers additional features such as instant alerts, custom RSS/Atom feeds, and a PRO badge for supporters, enhancing the overall experience.



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