Relic Protocol
Blockchain Oracles

Relic Protocol

Relic Protocol empowers decentralized applications (dApps) with secure and trustless access to all of Ethereum's historical data, unlocking possibilities for innovative functionalities.



What is Relic Protocol?

Traditionally, dApps struggled to access and utilize Ethereum's historical data on-chain. Relic Protocol bridges this gap by offering a novel solution:

  • Trustless Historical Data Access: Relic Protocol leverages zk-SNARKs (zero-knowledge proofs) and Merkle-Patricia Tries to enable dApps to verify the validity of historical data on-chain without relying on any third-party authorities. This fosters trust and transparency within the DeFi ecosystem.

  • Scalable On-Chain Verification: Relic Protocol prioritizes efficiency. Its smart contract design optimizes gas usage, ensuring cost-effective historical data access for dApps built on the protocol.

  • Unlocking New dApp Functionalities: By providing secure and trustless access to historical data, Relic Protocol empowers developers to create innovative dApps with features like:

    • Fully On-Chain Identity and Reputation Systems: dApps can leverage historical data to create on-chain reputation scores or identity verification mechanisms.

    • On-Chain Snapshot Voting: Historical data can be used to determine voting eligibility or weight votes based on past participation.

    • Trustless Price & Volatility Oracles: By analyzing historical price data on-chain, dApps can potentially create more reliable and secure price oracles.

Key Features:

  • Trustless Historical Data Access: Verify historical data on-chain without relying on third parties.

  • Scalable On-Chain Verification: Cost-effective access to historical data for dApp development.

  • Empowers Innovative dApp Functionalities: Enables features like on-chain identity, snapshot voting, and trustless oracles.


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