Ai Based DAPPs


Fetch.ai (transitioning to ASI) is an open platform that empowers developers to build, deploy, and monetize artificial intelligence (AI) applications in a decentralized and secure manner.



What is Fetch.ai?

Fetch.ai tackles the limitations of traditional AI development by offering a collaborative and accessible infrastructure. Here's a breakdown of Fetch.ai's key functionalities:

  • Open & Decentralized Platform: Fetch.ai operates as an open-source platform, fostering collaboration and innovation within the AI development community. Additionally, its decentralized architecture aims to eliminate central points of control, potentially increasing trust and security.

  • Building Blocks for AI Apps: Fetch.ai provides developers with a comprehensive suite of tools and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to construct intelligent applications. These tools encompass functionalities like machine learning, data oracles, and autonomous agent frameworks.

  • Focus on Machine Learning: Fetch.ai integrates seamlessly with various machine learning models, allowing developers to leverage pre-trained models or train their own custom models within the platform.

  • Data Access & Oracles: Fetch.ai's decentralized oracle network ensures secure and reliable access to real-world data, a crucial element for training and operating effective AI applications.

  • Autonomous Agents: Fetch.ai introduces the concept of autonomous agents – software programs trained to act independently and achieve specific goals within the defined parameters.

  • Token (Transitioning): Fetch.ai previously utilized the FET token for platform governance and various functionalities. However, it's currently undergoing a token merge process to become ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) as part of the Superintelligence Alliance with SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol. (More information on the website)

Key Features:

  • Open & Decentralized Infrastructure: Build AI applications collaboratively in a secure environment.

  • AI Development Tools & APIs: Access a comprehensive suite of tools for constructing intelligent applications.

  • Machine Learning Integration: Leverage pre-trained models or train your own within the platform.

  • Decentralized Data Oracles: Secure access to real-world data for AI applications.

  • Autonomous Agents: Implement software programs capable of independent actions.

  • Token (Transitioning to ASI): Participate in platform governance through ASI tokens (previously FET).


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