Decentralised Cross chain Swap


Rhino.fi is a comprehensive DeFi platform that functions as a Layer 2 gateway, offering users a seamless experience for swapping tokens across various blockchains, earning passive income through yield farming, and tracking their DeFi portfolio in one place.



BNB Smart Chain



What is Rhino.fi?

Managing your DeFi activities across different blockchains can be cumbersome. Rhino.fi tackles this by providing a unified solution:

  • Multi-Chain Liquidity Gateway: Effortlessly swap tokens across numerous blockchains with Rhino.fi. It aggregates liquidity from various DEXes, ensuring you find the best rates and avoid limitations of individual exchanges. 

  • Integrated Bridging: Move your crypto assets seamlessly between supported blockchains with Rhino.fi's built-in bridge functionality. This eliminates the need for separate bridging solutions, streamlining your DeFi workflow.

  • Yield Farming Opportunities: Earn passive income by participating in DeFi yield farming opportunities directly through Rhino.fi. The platform simplifies the process of finding and managing your farming positions across various protocols.

  • Portfolio Tracker: Gain a comprehensive overview of your DeFi holdings across different blockchains. Rhino.fi's portfolio tracker provides a clear and consolidated view of your crypto assets, allowing you to monitor performance and make informed investment decisions.

Key Features:

  • Effortless Cross-Chain Swapping: Swap tokens across multiple blockchains from a single platform, maximizing access to DeFi opportunities.

  • Aggregated Liquidity: Benefit from Rhino.fi's ability to find the best rates by searching liquidity pools across various DEXes.

  • Integrated Bridging: Seamlessly move your crypto assets between blockchains with Rhino.fi's built-in bridge.

  • Yield Farming Made Simple: Effortlessly participate in yield farming and manage your positions directly through the platform.

  • Unified Portfolio Tracker: Gain a holistic view of your DeFi holdings across all connected blockchains.


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