TOP 40 Blockchains

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Showing 40 results

Zircuit is a new layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that offers faster transactions, lower fees, and AI-enabled security.


B² Network is a new layer-2 network for Bitcoin.


Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform known for its native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH). It's a popular choice for developers building dApps (decentralized applications) that run on a peer-to-peer network.


Solana is a high-performance blockchain platform designed for scalability and speed. It facilitates the development of decentralized applications (dApps) without compromising on decentralization or security.


Astar Network is a layer-1 blockchain built on Polkadot, aiming to become the "smart contract hub" of the multichain ecosystem. It offers developers a scalable and secure environment for building decentralized applications (dApps) with various functionalities.


Cronos Chain is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchain platform designed to bring DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and Metaverse applications to a broader audience. It offers developers a familiar environment for building dApps (decentralized applications) while aiming for faster transaction speeds and lower fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet.


Kadena positions itself as the industry's first truly scalable Layer-1 Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchain. It aims to overcome limitations of existing blockchains by offering a secure, high-performance platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance).


Injective Protocol is a layer-1 blockchain optimized for building powerful decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and derivative products. It offers features like instant settlement, low fees, and a user-friendly experience for margin trading and other DeFi activities.


NEAR Protocol is a high-performance blockchain platform designed for scalability and usability. It aims to address challenges faced by existing blockchains by offering a user-friendly experience for developers and everyday users, attracting a broader audience to Web3 technologies.


Avalanche is a high-throughput blockchain platform known for its impressive speed, low fees, and security. It caters to developers building decentralized applications (dApps) and facilitates a vibrant DeFi (Decentralized Finance) ecosystem.


Cosmos Network is a network of interconnected blockchains designed to foster an ecosystem of interoperable and scalable blockchain applications. It aims to break down silos and enable seamless communication and data exchange between different blockchains.


BNB Chain is a high-performance blockchain ecosystem with a focus on scalability and developer friendliness. It offers a suite of solutions for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and explore various blockchain functionalities.


Polkadot is a blockchain network designed to address scalability and interoperability limitations faced by individual blockchains. It allows developers to build custom blockchains (parachains) that connect and communicate with the secure Polkadot main chain (relay chain).


Shardeum is an EVM-based Layer 1 blockchain designed for scalability without compromising on decentralization or security. It empowers developers to build high-performance dApps (decentralized applications) with low transaction fees.


Flare Network is a unique layer-1 blockchain protocol designed to bridge the gap between blockchains and empower them with smart contract functionality and secure data feeds. It fosters interoperability and innovation within the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) space.


5ire is a Layer-1 blockchain ecosystem designed to be sustainable and scalable. It focuses on integrating sustainability practices into blockchain technology and aims to align economic growth with environmental and social responsibility.


XDC Network is an open-source, enterprise-grade blockchain platform designed to revolutionize trade finance. It offers fast, secure, and scalable smart contract functionalities for streamlining financial processes and facilitating global trade.


XPLA is a Tendermint-based Layer 1 blockchain designed to serve as a hub for digital media content. It fosters the creation, distribution, and monetization of digital content across various industries like entertainment, gaming, and media.


Decimal Chain is a blockchain constructor platform that empowers users to create their own customizable blockchains with just a few clicks. It offers a user-friendly interface and simplifies the blockchain development process.


OmniaVerse is a Web3 entertainment ecosystem offering a diverse range of games, applications, and experiences built on blockchain technology. It fosters a community-driven environment where users can play, earn rewards, and participate in the growth of the platform.


Areon Network is a next-generation Layer 1 blockchain designed for speed, security, and scalability. It offers a unique Proof of Area (POA) consensus mechanism and fosters the development of user-friendly decentralized applications (dApps).


Innovator Chain is a Layer-1 blockchain platform optimized for building high-performance gaming applications and decentralized applications (dApps). It offers features like near-zero transaction fees and lightning-fast transaction speeds to create a smoother and more immersive user experience.


Alephium is a Layer-1 blockchain platform designed for scalability and security without compromising on decentralization. It offers innovative features like stateful UTXO and Proof-of-Less-Work to empower developers to build secure and scalable dApps (decentralized applications) for real-world applications.


Circular Protocol is a high-performance, scalable blockchain designed for building trust and transparency in various sectors. It offers a dual-chain architecture with a focus on developer experience and facilitating real-world applications.


HeLa Chain is a next-generation Layer 1 blockchain designed for real-world adoption. It utilizes stablecoins as gas fees and leverages advanced cryptography for data privacy and security.


WYZth Labs is a blockchain network designed to empower users and foster innovation. It provides resources, promotes community engagement, and advocates for the principles of decentralization.


Optimism is a Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. It offers faster transaction processing times and lower fees compared to the main Ethereum network, while maintaining the security of the underlying Ethereum blockchain.


Arbitrum is a leading Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. It offers significant improvements in transaction speed and cost while maintaining the security of the underlying Ethereum network.


Polygon zkEVM is a cutting-edge Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to achieve significant transaction speed and cost improvements while maintaining the security of the underlying Ethereum blockchain.


Starknet is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that utilizes STARK proofs to achieve significant improvements in transaction speed, cost, and privacy while maintaining the security of the underlying Ethereum blockchain.
